the silver is a matte which needs about 2 coats (its a thick paint) the HD is VERY thin and needs around 4-5 coats to be completely covered. spectrum is a duo chrome of blue base with green tint and micro flakes of a pink/purplish color. i have tried other SH HD colors before and adore them but this one seems too thin for me.
one coat of sally hansen HD
3 coats of sally hansen HD (you can still see through the nail)

i perfer it with the TC but it kinda looks like tinfoil.
getting a picture of the spectrum color was quite hard as the camera couldnt catch the duo color properly. i did notice it matches the aqua section on Zest Aqua soap.
artificial light
artificial light with homemade hearthstone (from WoW) using same polish for blue swirl.
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